Chevron: Unbeatable Focus
Chevron: Unbeatable Naps

Creative Directors: Chris Finn
Art Directors: Hana Yean
Executive Producer:  Antonio Hardy
Head of Production: Nicole Smarsh
Producers: Mary Mondrus
CG Supervisor: Brice Linane
Designers: Irma Hasanic, Madison Kelly, Aivy Nguyen, Karen Han, Tae Kim
Animation Lead: Han Hu
Model/Texture Artists: Brice Linane, Diego Melgar, Ariane Pelissoni, Michael Lampe
3D Animators: Michael Sime, Alexandrea Alvarez, Stephen Van Wyk
Rigging: Tim Hayward, Nico Sanghrajka
Lighting: Brice Linane, DJ Kim, Mirelle Underwood
Compositing Lead: Ryan Kaplan
Compositors: Rachel Moon, Kevin Njoo
Mix & Sound Design: Grey Ghost Sound
CG Supervisor, Env Model, Env Texture, Lighting 
CG Supervisor, Env Model, Env Texture, Lighting
CG Supervisor, Env Model, Env Texture, Lighting 
CG Supervisor, Env Model, Env Texture, Lighting 
Focus environment: concept to model
CG Supervisor, Env Model, Env Texture, Lighting
CG Supervisor, Env Model, Env Texture, Lighting
Focus environment: concept to model
CG Supervisor, Char Lookdev, Lighting - models supplied by client, clothing and shaders created from scratch
CG Supervisor, Char Lookdev, Lighting - models supplied by client, clothing and shaders created from scratch
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